Constantinos Siettos
Dept. of Mathematics & Applications
Supervision of Ph.D. Theses as Supervisor & joint Co-Supervisor
GianMaria Viola, Modelling and crowd behavioural dynamics using Machine Learning, Ph.D. Thesis (National Ph.D. program in AI), 2023- present(Joint Co-Supervisor, Supervisor: Dr. Lucia Russo, STEMS-CNR).
Hector Vargas, Data-driven modelling, analysis and design of crowd dynamics: from agent-based modelling to the construction, numerical analysis and control of macroscopic models with physics-informed machine learning, Ph.D. Thesis, 2022- present.
Dr. Gianluca Fabiani, Machine learning-based Modelling and Numerical Analysis of the Emergent Dynamics of Complex Systems, Ph.D. Thesis, 2020- 2024. Currently: Post-Doc, Johns Hopkins University, USA.
Dr. Panagiotis Papaioannou, Forecasting high-dimensional time series using Manifold and Machine Learning with Applications in Financial Markets and Epidemiology, Ph.D. Thesis, 2018-2022. Currently: Data Analyst EUROBANK, Greece.
Dr. Evangelos Galaris. Physics-Informed Numerical Analysis and Machine Learning for Modelling and Analysis of Complex Systems with Applications in Computational Neuroscience, Ph.D. Thesis, 2018- 2022. Currently: Post-Doc, Karoniska Institute, Sweden.
Dr. Ioannis Gallos. Development of Computational Methods of Machine/Manifold Learning in Computational Neuroscience. Ph.D. Thesis, 2016-2022. (joint supervision as of 2018 with Prof. E. Theotokoglou, NTUA). Currently: Researcher at the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, Greece.
Dr. Foteini Protopapa, Computational Simulation and Analysis of Human Brain Network Dynamics: from the Microscopic Modelling to the Systematic Study of Working Memory, Ph.D. Thesis, 2010- 2015. Then Post-Doctoral Researcher at SISSA, Trieste, Italy. Currently: Researcher, Bosch, Germany.
Dr. Dimitris Mylonas, Computational Simulation, Coarse-Grained Analysis and Control of Network Dynamics with Time Stepping methods for the Study of Cognitive and Neurological Disorders, Ph.D. Thesis, 2009- 2014. Then Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Medical School, Harvard. Currently, Instructor in the Medical School, Harvard, USA.
Dr. Andreas Reppas, Coarse-Grained Computational Analysis of Infectious Disease Dynamics: from the Individualistic Models to the Macroscopic Dynamical Behaviour, Ph.D. Thesis, 2008- 2011. Then, Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik Computational Biology and Applied Algorithmics, Germany. Currently, Researcher at Charitè the University Medicine Berlin, Germany.
Dr. Andreas Tsoumanis, Agent-Based Modelling and Computational Analysis of Social-Economic Systems: from the Individual Interactions to Herding Dynamics, Ph.D. Thesis, (Joint Co-supervisor: Supervisor: Prof. Emeritus George Bafas) 2006-2009. Then Post-Doctoral Researcher, Princeton University.
Prof. Konstantinos Spiliotis. Development of Parallel Numerical Methods for the Analysis of Neuronal Multi-scale Dynamics on Complex Networks, Ph.D. Thesis, 2005-2009. Then, Post-Doctoral Researcher, University of Cyprus. Then Researcher at the Mathematical Institute, Rostock University, Germany. Currently: Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Co-Supervisor of Ph.D. Theses
Tommaso Pio Bibbò,Use of artificial intelligence for the sustainable phytosanitary management of fruit-bearing chestnut trees., Ph.D. Thesis (National Ph.D. program in AI), 2024- (Supervisor: Dr. Michelina Ruocco)
Muhammad Hassan,Artificial Intelligence methods of modelling and pattern recognition of microalgae cultures , Ph.D. Thesis (National Ph.D. program in AI), 2023- (Supervisors: Prof. Carfagna Simona, Dr. Giovanna Salbitani)
Prof. Efstathios Tingas. Algorithmic Asymptotic Analysis of Ignition of Gases, Ph.D. Thesis, 2011-2016. Currently: Assistant Professor (Lecturer) of Engineering Mathematics, Edinburgh Napier University (Supervisor: Prof. Dimitris Goussis)
Prof. Mihalis Kavousanakis. Coarse-Grained simulation of complex physicochemical and biological systems with multiscale analysis, bifurcation, and homotopy methods, Ph.D. Thesis, 2004-2007. Currently: Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, (Supervisor: Prof. Andreas Boudouvis)